

Teenagers from the Wisbech Alpha Venture Unit equipped themselves with spades when they volunteered to clear out the dungeons at Wisbech Castle.
About 14-unit members spent Tuesday cleaning out the rubbish which was mainly soil and old bottles as part of their community project work for the Venture Scout Award.
Members of the 15th Wisbech Scouts helped earlier in the week as part of their national project work.
Mr Martin Reach, assistant district commissioner for Venture Scouts explained the unit is always on the look out for new members and leaders.
Recently three Wisbech youngsters were invested into the unit in a ceremony with a difference Michael Rodgers, Nicola Edwards and Jason Caley were invested off the roof of Wisbech fire station fire drill tower.
Performing the ceremony 75 foot from the ground was Mr Geoff Wilkinson.


15th Wisbech Scouts refurbished bicycles, their story made the local press and BBC three counties radio.